NEW PLAY MOVES AHEAD DESPITE PANDEMIC MTYP has been quieter but not still during the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition to all of the work within our educational programs, we've also continued the important work of developing new plays for theatre for young audiences. On Dec 10th, our rehearsal hall had a solitary table set up with boxes of lav mics, ...
MTYP's Creator's Unit talks about a performance they've just seen

MTYP Creator’s Unit develops new voices

MTYP's Creator's Unit in a workshop MTYP Creator’s Unit develops new voices Four years ago, MTYP started a Creator’s Unit. Headed by local artists Andraea Sartison and Rick Chafe, the Creator’s Unit includes roughly ten budding writers who meet monthly to encourage them and to work on their latest projects. “We’re giving people a process in which they can create ...