Improve your improv at MTYP!

Jesse Miki has just finished leading a summer of hilarious improvised D&D adventures with MTYP’s summer camp participants. We asked for his expertise on what it takes to be a great improv actor and how you can get started at MTYP!


Would you say that improv is harder than scripted theatre?

I would! In improv you don’t have a script, a director, or even know what kind of character you’ll have to be next! You have to think on your feet and work as a team to tell a cohesive story with rich characters. This can be thrilling but also incredibly challenging as you navigate the unknown with every scene.

What skills would a student learn in an improv class versus working on a production?

You would be developing skills in character, storytelling, mime, voice, and spontaneity. With all of it culminating in learning long-form improv formats for performance. In a production, you would focus on honing a specific role within a predetermined narrative, whereas improv empowers you to explore the boundless possibilities of your imagination and create in the moment.

What kinds of skills would an actor need to bring to the table at an improv class?

Their keen sense of character insight, and their ability to adapt. These qualities enable them to instantly inhabit roles, react authentically to the unexpected, and seamlessly contribute to the collaborative storytelling process.

What makes someone a good improviser?

The best improvisor is one that enthusiastically supports the rest of their team. By saying “yes, and…” to their fellow performers’ ideas, actively listening, and building on the established reality, they create an environment of trust and collaboration that allows everyone to shine and the performance to flourish.


Improv Comedy for ages 13-18 runs from 7-8:30 pm starting Wednesday, October 9th. If you’re up to the challenge, there’s still time to sign up!

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